Thursday, September 18, 2014

First Egg!

This is the first egg from the 2014 chicks!  I found it yesterday in one of the nesting boxes in the coop.  

It looks white in the picture, but it's actually a light green/blue.  Our chickens are Ameraucanas.  Their eggs will vary - light green to light blue to olive green.  Egg color is a result of the type of pigment deposited on the egg as it travels the hen's oviduct.  Different breeds of chickens have different types of pigment.

In my experience, an individual hen will lay the same color of egg throughout her life.  With my last batch of hens I could tell which of the three Ameraucanas we had produced which egg.  I have more Ameraucanas this time, thirteen of them, so it might be more difficult to match the hen with the egg.

And in case you are wondering - the yolk and the white of the egg look and taste the same as a white egg (although I think our farm eggs taste a lot better than what we buy in the store).  Only the outside color will vary because of pigment variations.